Elevating Humanity

For the extraordinary potential of the human mind

Vision & Mission

  • Creating a humane world where technology not only advances but does so in harmony with humanity.

  • Integrating social responsibility and ethical considerations into innovations and technological progress.

    • Balance is the key to sustainability and prosperity

    • The world lies in the mind of human thinking

A place where we're challenging perceptions, expanding possibilities, and thinking together for a better future.

The Alchemists

  • Alexandra

    Board Advisor
    EU/UK Competition & Regulatory Law

    “A delicate balance where legal principles, digital evolution and sustainable conscience merge for shared humanity.”

  • Manuel

    Board Advisor

    ”Should we be surprised that the media is saturated with AI hype rather than giving us the time to reflect about our future?”

  • Ellen

    Strategic Advisor

    ”We need to save humanity.”

  • Captain Hoff

    Board Advisor
    Startups & Venture Capital

    ”We need more social entrepreneurs in this world.”

  • Derek

    Board Advisor
    Global Health

    "The pace of digital innovation outstrips our ability to reflect, understand and respond.”

  • Jason

    Board Advisor
    Ethical AI

    ”I am passionate about the intersection of AI and people.”

  • Joanna

    Senior Strategic Manager
    Co-founder of Dolphin

    ”Respect and retain humanistic care and harmony in digital innovation.”

  • Isabella

    Unconventional Humanist

    ”Humans change the world, what can change humans?”

I am Isabella, the founder of Digital Thinker.

In the early days, I was not an enthusiast of technology. 

In fact, I often dismissed it as cold, inhumane, and representative of a world devoid of genuine human connection. 

My perspective was grounded in the belief that, while technology possessed immense power, it lacked the warmth and empathy inherent in human interactions.

However, life has a way of surprising us, and for me… Read More
